Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Inspiration Week: Ten-Word Tuesday

The world is what you make it; see the beautiful.


  1. Seeing it. I love thunder and lightening.
    ~ Wendy

  2. Wonderful! So many people see the bad and the ugly. You're right!

  3. Wow, that's an amazing picture. Our neighborhood is a prime target for lightning strikes (including one next to my son's daycare a couple weeks ago), so I tend to have an unhealthy fear of lightning. :-) But it does speak to the awe and power of God's creation.

  4. I love it! It's so true. I must go now and see the beautiful. :)

  5. Amen. That sort of reminds me of Philippians 4:8.

  6. I adore thunderstorms. This is truly the best time of the year. Excuse me while I run outside to play in the storm outside my house ...

  7. That's awesome! I'm putting that on my classroom board tomorrow!! :)

  8. Thanks, everyone! I really love and appreciate your comments!

    Sarah, I can completely understand that! We like to watch it from the safety of our couch. :)

    Gorges, thanks for the verse. It did go right along with it!

    Jemi, you always make me feel so good!


Travel to Another Point of View