Friday, December 16, 2011

DeJa Vu Blogfest

Ready to reminisce? Those participating in the Deja Vu Blogfest sure are. To catch the details, you can read this post by DL Hammond. (Thanks for hosting such a fun blogfest! Also involved were Katie Mills (Creepy Query Girl), Lydia Kang, and Nicole Ducleroir, ) I'll sum it up in ten words. Pleasant past posts are picked and re-posted for perusing pleasure. Okay, maybe not the best alliteration, but there you have it. I chose this old post of mine because, well, it encompasses a lot. Read on and see what I mean:

Why I Write

It's an Outlet - I believe that when I write I put myself into it and, in turn, I take away so much more. I walk away a better mother and wife. (As long as they don't interrupt me while I'm in the middle of the process... lol)

It's for Understanding
- When I write, I become more introspective. I learn things about myself and the world around me that I normally wouldn't have taken the time to think about.

It's Creative - I have this intense desire to want to create things. When I was younger, I would play Dungeons and Dragons or those other table top role-playing games just so that I could create characters. Now, as a writer, not only do I get to create characters, but I get to create worlds for them to live in.

It's to Help - I have this crazy ambition to touch people's lives that began the first time a performance of mine brought someone to tears (the good kind) and this has spilled over into writing. If I can help someone else with the words I put on paper, nothing could be more worthwhile to me.


  1. Hi,

    All excellent reasons for putting pen to paper or fingers to keyboard! Enjoy... ;)


  2. Great choice for a repost. I write for a lot of the same reasons, especially the part about introspection and understanding the world around me. :)

  3. Great list!

    I'm the same with noticing things I might not have otherwise; writing helps bring out the little details.

  4. Yes, writing is a wonderful journey. Thanks for the follow. I'm glad to reciprocate.
    Enjoy the season.

  5. Hey Nisa! Nice to meet you via the blogfest. Thanks for the follow! I returned the favor.

    I'm not sure why I write except that I am compelled to, so it must be part of my OCD!

  6. Great list! :)

    I love writing for those reasons - it would be hard not to!

  7. DITTO to everything you said! I have the same reasons for writing :) I especially love the "writing for understanding" one. It's like getting to know yourself better when you sit down with a pen or a keyboard. Best thing ever!

  8. You have some great reasons for writing. One of my biggest is just to entertain people who might not be mobile. My father almost died when I was in high school and spent a lot of time in the hospital after a surgery went wrong. We'd watch tv and I'd read by his side. A story is a great escape for those not able to escape their own bodies.

  9. Brief and brilliant!

    Thanks so much for joining the Blogfest!

  10. So great to have found your blog through the blogfest!

  11. Very nice, and perfect choice for a re-post, Nisa!

  12. I agree with all of your reasons, but especially the introspective part. It's better then psycho-analysis! :)

    Excellent choice for a re-post and a great introduction to you!

  13. For understanding - now that is profound!

  14. thanks for sharing why you write. interesting insight.

  15. Nice choice for the Deja vu :-)

  16. oh, yes. These are all the reasons I do it, too! And LOL at the "so long as they don't interrupt me..." argh. That's the worst. :D <3


Travel to Another Point of View